While we stayed with her, we visited Stonehenge.
That was one of those places on my life list; now I've checked it off. We saw it on a very windy day. I love how they told us all sorts of things about the site...but not what it was used for. I realize that no one knows, but they only needed to say it once. And they said it many more times than that!
Stonehenge is on a hill in the middle of thousands of acres of sheep pastures. One of the sheep was lying down, with a leg in the air.
She acted so much like a goat in labor, we were sure she was going to lamb at any moment. We, and several other visitors, spent about 20 minutes just watching her. When she got up and just walked off, we knew we'd been had. We decided it was something the sheep did. "Hey, Edna, it's your turn today. Lie down over there and pretend to be lambing. We'll all snicker at the tourists!"
After Stonehenge, we visited Old Sarum, the original site of Salisbury, England. When the people moved from Old Sarum to Salisbury, Old Sarum fell into ruins.
They're beautiful ruins, though, and we enjoyed our time there.
Then we went down the hill to Salisbury Cathedral.
Just closing up for Evensong, we took a quick trip through yet another beautiful European cathedral.
I don't get tired of them. This one had the most beautiful baptismal font I think I've ever seen.
After a delicious pub dinner (mine was braised lamb with mint mash) we headed back to Wells for a good night's sleep.
"Hey, Edna, it's your turn today. Lie down over there and pretend to be lambing. We'll all snicker at the tourists!"